

pip3 install enalog


In a file where you want to push an event from import the package:

from enalog import push_event

Then you can push an event:

push_event(api_token='dummy_token', event={
    'project': 'EnaLog',
    'name': 'user-subscribed',
    'description': 'User subscribed to EnaLog',
    'icon': '💰',
    'tags': ['enalog'],
    'meta': {
        'user_name': 'Sam Newby',
    'push': True,
    'user_id': '1234'

Return value

The push_event function returns a dictionary response that you can inpsect if you want:

    "status_code": 200,
    "message": "Event successfully sent to EnaLog"

The status_code and message will return the relevant data if the request fails.