

EnaLog supports the ability to track events per user by easily tying events to a user from your application. Events and Users are linked by a unique User ID, this could be your internal User ID from your database or email address or another unique identifier such as a UUID.

Creating Users

Creating Users is EnaLog can be done when pushing events by including the user_id key and a unique identifier to represent the user, this should be a value that is used to identify your user in your application such as database ID, email address, or UUID.

With the EnaLog Python SDK this looks like this:

enalog = EnaLog(api_token=api_token)

res = enalog.push_event(event={
    "project": "demo",
    "name": "user-attributes",
    "user_id": ""

Pushing events with a different user ID will create a new user

User Attributes

Users can also have Attributes in EnaLog which allows you to include additional information about your user. This is easily done by including the user_attributes key with an event and then passing a key value object containing your user attributes.

Building on from the example above, this can be done with the EnaLong Python SDK like this:

enalog = EnaLog(api_token=api_token)

res = enalog.push_event(event={
    "project": "demo",
    "name": "user-attributes",
    "user_id": "",
    "user_attributes": {
        "name": "Sam",
        "user_since": "28/02/2022"